
"Castillos de España"

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About Andrea

Andrea’s 2017 Naxos CD, which contains the premiere of new guitar compositions and pieces by composers like B.Britten, Albéniz or Tárrega was received with great acclaim: “This album is a delicate, elegant and majestic musical word…” obtaining the Golden Melomano distinction by Melomano Magazine.

Andrea has been supported by “Alexander von Humboldt Foundation”, “DAAD” (German Academic Exchange Service), “AIE” (Society of Performing Artists of Spain) and “Provincial Council of Guipuzcoa” to study at the Robert Schumann Musikhochschule in Düsseldorf (Germany), where she graduated with honors. Andrea has recently obtained a Graduate Performance Diploma from the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University receiving the James Winship Lewis Memorial Prize.

In her effort to promote and expand the classical guitar repertoire, Andrea has premiered pieces composed by Sergio Assad, Joaquín Clerch, Carlos Fernando López and Dustin Carlson among others. In addition, her most recent projects include the participation in the film “No Man’s Land”, co-composing and performing part of the soundtrack and the release of the recording “EUSKARAZ” in collaboration with the composer and producer Carlos Fernando López , Grammy and Latin Grammy winner.

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Andrea Gonzalez Caballero

Australian Tour review

Impeccable, faultless, classy and beautiful in presentation, Gonzalez Caballero’s recital was performed fully from memory to a spellbound audience in an excellent performance venue. It was a privilege to be able to hear this outstanding musician in a full house

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Interview for Cleveland Classical

Presented by the Cleveland Classical Guitar Society, the recital takes place on Saturday, November 20 at 7:30 pm at Plymouth Church in Shaker Heights, and features music by Tárrega, Sainz de la Maza, de Falla, Turina, and Albéniz.

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